董事会议纪要- 2014年2月



1:30 p.m.2014年2月14日



新墨西哥科技董事会在下午1:30召开会议.m.,代理主席Jerry Armijo主持. 其他出席的董事会成员有摄政王黛博拉·皮科克 Israel Rodriguez-Rios and 丽晶 Richard Carpenter via telecom from MD Anderson Medical Center.  University administrators, staff, and guests who were also present included:

1. 会议通知证明:  下午1点35分会议开始.m. 阿米霍董事会在 董事会确认已发出适当通知.

2. 批准议程: 丽晶 Peacock motioned to amend the agenda to include an update on litigation under 议程项目17.   摄政王罗德里格斯-里奥斯附议了这项动议,全体一致通过 批准.

3. 分钟:  丽晶 Peacock moved to approve the minutes from the December 3, 2013 meeting.  丽晶 罗德里格斯-里奥斯附议,动议一致通过.

公告: 总统 洛佩兹 reported an increase in paid applicants from last year, 26 to be 具体的.  他还宣布2月17日为探视日,到目前为止 200 individuals had replied of their intent to attend the full day open house.  He 相信今年的入学人数将保持稳定或超过.

5. 公众意见:  没有一个

6. NM科技年度审核:  Mr. 行政和财务副总裁朗尼马尔克斯介绍了Clark Cagle, Auditor Director for Atkinson Certified Public Accountants who conducted the 年度审计.  Mr. Cagle报告说,除了 有关报税表.  摄政王皮科克从审计报告中提出了一系列问题 每一个都得到了满意的回答.  雷金特·卡彭特示意接受 audit as presented; 摄政王罗德里格斯-里奥斯附议了这项动议,全体一致通过 接受.  摄政王阿米霍表示,审计工作每年都变得更加复杂,因为 of reporting mechanisms and each year the 威尼斯人app下载 staff rise to the challenge 对审核员的反应要超过要求.  行政和财务人员 因为工作做得好而得到认可、感谢和鼓掌.

7. 2013年12月季度财务:  Vice 总统 Marquez reported that the quarterly financial was the same format 如年度审计所述.  这份报告比较了收入和支出 2012年和2013年.  利金特·皮科克示意批准季度财务报告; 摄政王卡朋特附议了这项动议,并获得一致通过.

8. 2013年12月财务分析:  马尔克斯报告说,这所大学的财政状况良好.  摄政Rodriguez-Rios motioned to approve the financial analysis; 丽晶 Peacock seconded the motion and 一致通过了.

9. 一月学位授予:  总统 洛佩兹 provided the list of degree conferrals for information citing 36 获得学士学位,硕士15人,博士2人.

10.  大学政策:  Dr. 玛丽Dezember described the procedures required for creating policies for the 大学.  她通过强调这是……的必要条件,进一步展开了讨论 认证的目的.  讨论继续进行,董事们提出了一些问题 木匠和孔雀.  摄政王皮科克提出了一项政策修正案:在页面上 5, Section II A, second paragraph, after institution, insert 及/或校董会 and on page 6, Section II C, third paragraph, third line, after 总统, insert 及/或校董会.  摄政王卡朋特提议批准这项政策 丽晶 Peacock’s amendments; 摄政Rodriguez-Rios seconded the motion and it was 一致通过.

11.  从库存中移除的物品:  副总统马尔克斯提交了三项决议供批准.  第一个 第140214-01号决议要求移除价值低于5000美元的有形物品.00.  丽晶 Carpenter moved to approve; 丽晶 Peacock seconded the motion and it was unanimously 批准.  140214-02号决议移除价值超过5000美元的有形财产.00从 库存.  丽晶 Carpenter moved to approve the resolution; 丽晶 Peacock seconded 这项动议获得一致通过.  决议140214-03是移除资产 收购成本超过5000美元.00从库存中扣除.  这将导致 in the transfer of four vehicles by negotiated sale or donation to NM Highland University.  丽晶 Carpenter moved to approve the resolution; 丽晶 Peacock seconded the motion 大家一致通过了.

12.  限制性基金购买:  Vice 总统 Marquez noted that the award information was in data provided to the 董事们列举了六个奖项.  (注:威尼斯人app下载通知董事会限制 funds purchases in excess of $100,000; in this case, for one award for PRRC, three 一个是EMRTC,一个是地球与环境科学.)

13.  公开会议法案决议:  The resolution was updated and submitted for approval to reflect the new date of the resolution although there were no changes made to the content of the resolution.  丽晶 Peacock moved to 批准 the resolution; 丽晶 Carpenter seconded the motion 大家一致通过了.

14.  个别董事会成员意见:  摄政Rodriguez-Rios commented that he was in favor of a tuition increase as long as the proceeds were spent on salaries for under paid employees and to provide funding 获取替代许可计划.

15.  新业务:  董事会没有新业务要处理.

16.  员工福利信托:  董事会在下午3点20分休会.m. 召开利益信托会议. Vice 总统 Marquez noted that December had experienced disastrous claims.  账单 were being paid; however, the 大学 loaned the benefit trust a total of $800,000.  他说,有两项索赔对福利信托造成了巨大打击.  今年1月,他报告说, 这所大学收回了止损.  下午3点25分.m.,利益信托押后审理 理事会在常会上复会.

17.  执行会议,NMSA 1978,第10-15-1 (H)(2)条; (If Required to Consider Matters Subject to the Attorney-Client Privilege Pertaining to Pending or Threatened Litigation and Limited Personnel Matters Involving an Individual Former Employee of 威尼斯人app下载:  丽晶 Armijo called for the Board to meet in 非公开执行会议 to consider matters subject to the attorney-client privilege pertaining to threatened or pending litigation to which Tech is or may become a participant and a limited personnel matter involving an individual former employee of Tech. 后 a unanimous roll-call vote in an open meeting, the Board met in 非公开执行会议 考虑这些问题.  摄政王阿米霍拜访了奥巴马先生. 凯尔·克罗克特,前NM Tech employee to address the Board regarding his appeal from the 总统’s decision 关于他的工作.  Mr. 克罗克特向董事会发表讲话,并提供了摄政王阿米霍 还有他的书面声明.  在奥. 听完克罗克特的讲话,董事会继续进来 非公开执行会议.

18.  Reconvene in Open Session and Take Final Action, if any, on Such Limited Personnel Matters Which Shall be Acted Upon in Open Session 后 Conclusion of the Closed 会话:  After deliberations in 非公开执行会议, with no Tech staff present, at which no matters except those specified in Paragraph 17 above were discussed, the Board reconvened in open session and 丽晶 Armijo announced that the Board had considered 先生的吸引力. 凯尔·克罗克特.  摄政王皮科克支持总统的决定 在解雇Mr. Crockett; 丽晶 Carpenter seconded the motion and it was 一致通过.

19. 延期:  No further business to come before the Board, 丽晶 Armijo adjourned the meeting.




